Maybe I have viewed this blog so many time untill i think, its time to change to a new template.
I was blogwalking yesterday to find the cutest template and...
finally i found at ipetoon. Thank for the nice and cute template ;)
So, how was my new template? Okay? Better? Or previous template much much nice?
Tata my old template
And yayyy to a new template
6 chit chat:
wahhh template baru lagi comel la yan... nampak cool je... heheh...
*mentang2 i suka warna ijau + coklat kan* =)
but seriously, so niceeee! i like it.
kannn? comei kan? i love it too..
yeah yeah..i know u love hijau+choc.. so rajin2 la mai blog ni eak?
I suke!! The colors are pleasing to the eyes and really2 lovely,E!
salam.. cntik template ni.. comeeell..hehe
heheh i akan dtg sini selalu... so nice blog...
Aisyah n Bunga..
Thank u.. Comel kan template baru. Cume somehow, i think i miss my old template. Maybe not get to use lagi..hehe
after this should be okay
cik tipah..ko wajib hari2 jenguk sini eak :P
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