Hi All!!
Hope semuanya sihat :)
I've received order from Wany and this is not the first time Wany ordered Bear Bear from me. Thanks Wany for keep ordering Bear Bear. ;)
This time, she requested to me to crochet Bear Bear wear Red Shirt with Long Leg.
So, I choose to crochet blue Bear Bear . Oh ya, usually, the Bear Bear height approximately is 26cm but this time, the Bear Bear almost 32cm ..
Bear Bear with shawl. I love this pic..

Bear Bear look really nice in this pic!!!
Wany, thank you and really hope you love the bear..
Take care!! and Happy Weekend...
Hope semuanya sihat :)
I've received order from Wany and this is not the first time Wany ordered Bear Bear from me. Thanks Wany for keep ordering Bear Bear. ;)
This time, she requested to me to crochet Bear Bear wear Red Shirt with Long Leg.

Take care!! and Happy Weekend...
3 chit chat:
kak..so sweet..~!!
schumel sgt..sukeeee3!!!
tengs a lot kak..=)
hehe...lawa and really cute.brape lame akak amek mase nak bwat bear nie...hasil yg sangat memuaskan .like it....
Hi Adik - No problem. Nanti hat yg lain2 tu, bila dah siap, akak text adik yer ;)
Hi Syaira - Thank you. Happy bila ada orang lain appreciate ;) Again, thanks.. BRape lama nak siapkan? Its depends. Sometime, bila dalam mode rajin, 2 hari buleh siap. Bila mode agak kurang rajin and bz dgn kerja lain, it will pending for a few weeks. Hehe.. Lagi2, akak keje di siang hari kan, so a bit susah nak manage time sometime :)
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