Hola All!!
Fuhh... Berhabuk blog ni.
Sorry for the long hiatus. A bit busy *yada yada yada* plus rasa penat nak update blog. Boleh? Hehe
But, i'm back... Yayy!! And tadi, baru bukak email and *gulpp* banyak email menyusun. Huhu.
Sorry.. will try my best tuk reply one by one..
Oh ya, lately, i have joined exchange group. Thank to my ticer sue for introduce thisclub eh group to me. Hehe



All these cards are for August X-change. Insya-Allah, will posto them tommorow. Maybe 1 or 2 weeks baru sampai la kot kan. Will sent them to Greece, UK, US and Canada.
Hope all of them love my simple handmade card .. And Hi!!! ;)
And congrate to my ticer sue, for officially open the shop. Akhirnya kan? Haha
*Clap! Clap! Clap!*
Semoga banyak order bakal mendatang okay. Hehe
And to all muslims, Salam Ramadhan from me :)
Fuhh... Berhabuk blog ni.
Sorry for the long hiatus. A bit busy *yada yada yada* plus rasa penat nak update blog. Boleh? Hehe
But, i'm back... Yayy!! And tadi, baru bukak email and *gulpp* banyak email menyusun. Huhu.
Sorry.. will try my best tuk reply one by one..
Oh ya, lately, i have joined exchange group. Thank to my ticer sue for introduce this



All these cards are for August X-change. Insya-Allah, will posto them tommorow. Maybe 1 or 2 weeks baru sampai la kot kan. Will sent them to Greece, UK, US and Canada.
Hope all of them love my simple handmade card .. And Hi!!! ;)
And congrate to my ticer sue, for officially open the shop. Akhirnya kan? Haha
*Clap! Clap! Clap!*
Semoga banyak order bakal mendatang okay. Hehe
And to all muslims, Salam Ramadhan from me :)
4 chit chat:
Welcome back,E! Rindu plk nk tgk new updates from you...Geram tgk semua yarn yg cantik2 tu! Buat i jealous je!
Selamat berpuasa :)
bangi nan ado meh? ekekekekek
cantik itu card semua.. ekekekek kalau spa acakap di atak suka.. habaq kat ai.. ai katok bagi dia.. haha
n tenkiu na.. doa utk kedia ai.. ecehh...
Hello Aisyah..
Tu lah.. rindu also nak melawat ur blog. Akan melawat ke sana and nak tgk flowers.. hehe
haha.. yarn tu ada yg dah lama and ada yg baru sampai. but tu lah, sikit jek ada :(
Selamat berpuasa to u too.. :)
ticer sue -
bangi? bangi tu kat mana eak? china? budapest?haha
ha insyaAllah, semoga Allah permudahkan segalanya
upload la sume pic amigurumis.. hehe
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